netLink C++ 11
▼CMsgPack::Element | Abstract class to represent one element in a MsgPack stream |
▼CMsgPack::Header | MsgPack::Element to represent the header of a dynamical length element |
▼CMsgPack::ArrayHeader | MsgPack::Header representing only the header of a array |
CMsgPack::Array | MsgPack::ArrayHeader representing the header and the content of a array |
▼CMsgPack::Data | MsgPack::Header with a additional buffer used as body |
CMsgPack::Binary | MsgPack::Data to represent binary/raw data elements |
CMsgPack::Extended | MsgPack::Data to represent extended elements |
CMsgPack::String | MsgPack::Data to represent strings |
▼CMsgPack::MapHeader | MsgPack::Header representing only the header of a map |
CMsgPack::Map | MsgPack::MapHeader representing the header and the content of a map |
CMsgPack::Number | MsgPack::Element for all types of numbers |
CMsgPack::Primitive | MsgPack::Element to represent one byte primitives like booleans and null |
CnetLink::Exception | NetLink Exceptions |
CnetLink::SocketManager | Manages a group of Sockets |
▼Cstd::streambuf | |
▼CnetLink::Socket | Socket and stream buffer |
CnetLink::MsgPackSocket | Socket with MsgPack abstraction layer |
▼CMsgPack::StreamManager | Abstract parent class of Serializer and Deserializer |
CMsgPack::Deserializer | Used to deserialize elements from a std::streambuf |
CMsgPack::Serializer | Used to serialize elements into a std::streambuf |